John Hampden School JohnHampden

Welcome to the John Hampden School Pals site. We are here for any friends of JohnHampden school


John Hampden School JohnHampden

New School Westbrook Cresent

Didn't go to John Hampden but had a friend that did?? ..

Live or Lived in or around New Barnet?
It doesn't matter if you went to East Barnet Grammer, Queen Elizabeth Boys or Girls , Elizabeth Allen or any other school in Barnet. If you know some one at John Hampden, just leave a message on the Message Board or say "Hello"" in the Guest Book.. Let your friends know you are looking for them..It's Free!!
While your here, have a look at the pictures taken of Barnet in the past

John Hampden

Recognize anyone.. No? Go to the Message Board for a bigger Picture.

See if you know any one.. It's in the 50-61 area..

John Hampden

John Hampden


SchoolMessage Board NewsSchool

Will YOU find an old friend or perhaps a relative? Derek did!!

From: Derek MYNOTT
Subject: Reunited

Hi Steve,
What a wonderful result, Beryl and I have exchanged a couple of emails and I have talked to her mother (my cousin) on the phone today. We had lost contact for well over 30 years, thank you so much for all your effort in bringing us together and I have only been on your website just over a week (brilliant).
Pip Elton and myself have been in emailing for over a week, we both lived in Berkeley Cresent, New Barnet at the same time, he at no 24 me at no 28. We knew lots of people but not each other.
Anyway Steve I cannot thank you enough
Derek Mynott

As you can see from the above, it is well worth registering for our Message Board then you too can leave a message for someone and perhaps find that long lost friend
and go from this John Hampden to this to this like Derek has

Some of you may remember Dereks father who saw us safely across the road for many years.

Why don't you register for the message board and tell us who you remember

Leave Your Details and a message for your friends on the Message Board in case they drop by.. You never know!

PLEASE sign the Guest Book and leave your details ..

Let others know you have visited ..Leave a comment.. but only once.. The message board is available FREE to leave messages..

Read about the GHOST of Barnet.. Rumour has it that the ghost can still be seen in Oakhill Park

Click here to read about Ghosts and Goulies in Barnet

John Hampden School johnhampden

About John Hampden The Person
John Hampden (1594-1643), a principal leader of the Long Parliament in its opposition to Charles I.

John Hampden entered Parliament in 1621; throughout the late 1620's and 1630's he was often in legal trouble for his resistance to King Charles's initiatives and taxes. When the Civil War began in 1641 he took an active part from his station in Oxford, near which, at Chalgrove Field, he suffered fatal wounds in June of that year.

Click here to read more about John Hampden


About John Hampden The School

Secondary Modern school for Boys & Girls.. Caught fire and was closed circa 1961
Rebuilt Westbrook Crescent New Barnet This site is for ALL
John Hampden scholars whichever school they went too

Our Mission

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Friends John Hampden School JohnHampden

School's Original Address:

John Hampden Secondary Modern
Victoria Road
New Barnet

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